Building resilience
Most people think resilience is a characteristic people are born with yet resilience is a process that all of us can build over time through the little things we do every day. Resilience should not be confused with tough mindedness as one effectively processes and allows emotions and the other blocks them off completely, usually leading to health problems. This module talks you through the art of building a resilient life so you can invest your energy in the places you need it the most and bounce back in the face of adversity.
The resilient experience covers:
A neuroscientific explanation of resilience
Examples of what resilient leaders and people do and don’t do
The difference between resilience and tough mindedness
The four different ways to build our resilience
How to monitor our resilience
Deep dive into a couple of the resilient tools
A measure of our own resilience
Please review the events page for public events being run. Please contact us should you want to run this experience privately.
“My biggest personal learning was to recognise that resilience does not mean pushing through challenges by ignoring my emotions - instead Sam taught us how we can accept emotional challenges and work with them to become truly resilient.”