Our workshops are targeted around the 4 areas of emotional intelligence (EI)....
1) Self awareness 2) Self management 3) People awareness 4) People management
The workshops are run in 3 different formats 1) Online (please see events page for public programmes) 2) 1 day face to face 3) 2 day deep dive and can be integrated into a tailored journey that suits your specific needs.
They are experience based, which means they are live experiences helping you cement the knowledge with real time feelings and emotions.
Please contact us for prices and tailoring options should you wish to run these events privately.
Please see events page for public events being run along with dates.
This experience gives you the overview education on emotional intelligence. Why emotional intelligent people thrive, what is it really and how do you develop it. You will learn how to tell the difference between thoughts, feeling and emotions in self and others and some simple tools for managing the thoughts feelings and emotions in self and others to get you started on your journey.
Teaches you about people awareness and people management in the EI model. You will learn how to travel through conflict effectively, develop healthy relationships, really listen to another persons perspective, how to help an individual solve their own problems, how to coach people to develop their learning and how to positively influence people to develop and change......
Who am I? Building confidence inside out
This experience deep dives into building your self awareness from a place of identity so you can confidently answer the question who am I. This is a module based on reflecting back and realising that where you have been characterises how you show up today. This really is the foundation for directing your emotions and energies in life, working out what habits and patterns are no longer serving you so you can get focused on the next steps on your journey.
In a 2021 poll done by the Applied School of Management resilience was quoted as the single most important characteristic that would allow people to thrive into the future. Resilience and emotional intelligence go hand in hand. This module focuses specifically on proactively building our resilience so that we can bounce back in the face of adversity. Another part of our self management toolkit, this is about having the energy to manage thought and emotion effectively, the importance of keeping our resources topped up, and prioritising our wellbeing so we can face the challenges that will come our way.
Building further on your self awareness, this experience gives you tools and techniques to define your purpose, life goals and future career direction as well as helping you make a plan and think about networks to help you get from A to B. It is a continuation from “who am I” and helps you get really clear on what steps to take next, therefore is more future focused.
E-motion: how to manage thought and emotion
This is the jewel in the crown as most of what stops us succeeding in life isn’t a lack of knowledge but a lack of emotional awareness. This module helps you understand the emotional and rational parts of our brains and therefore how we need to manage our behaviour through accessing both the emotional and rational knowledge centres. This experience therefore is about self awareness and self management of the thoughts, feelings and emotions that visit us. You will learn and practice techniques for managing thought, feelings and emotions, dealing with stress and have the opportunity to work on something currently impacting you in life. You will learn how to harness emotion to inspire and engage and how to turn negative emotion into positive action....
“I have always had a high IQ but my EQ was something I knew I lacked in which impacted on the communication I had with anyone in my life. The tools I learnt have helped me better communicate with my customers, my family and the strangers I meet along the way.”